Category: Saving & Loading

Create Templates for Character / A.I. Hordes

Load Mesh Paint Onto Multiple Actors 

You can create custom effect templates from a character customization screen or archetype by saving the source actor using Save Mesh Paint As Bytes.

After saving the template, you can load it back onto multiple actors at runtime using the Load Mesh Paint Onto Multiple Actors  node.

  • Use this function to take a saved effect, design or template and load it onto multiple actors at runtime.
  • Example usecase: Hordes of A.I. actors can have a custom design stamped onto them at runtime using this node
  • Example usecase: Your Character ustomization screen can save a design and then propagate it onto multiple players at runtime
  • Dynamically spawned actors are fully supported.
  • For more information check out the documentation accompanying the Blueprint node / C++ API for the plugin.

(This article is a stub, for a live example of Effect Templates please check out the sample project (download links on the marketplace page))

Load Mesh Paint From Bytes

  • Use Load Mesh Paint From Bytes by passing in the bytes you acquired earlier from the Save Mesh Paint As Bytes function
  • You have the option of flushing all existing paint effects in the world before loading if desired
  • For more information check out the documentation accompanying the Blueprint node / C++ API for the plugin.

(This article is a stub, for a live example of Save/Load please check out the sample project (download links on the marketplace page))

Save Mesh Paint As Bytes

  • Use the node Save Mesh Paint As Bytes to save all the painted effects / pixel collision etc in your world
  • Use the Actor filters parameter if you only want to a save a subset of actors/materials
  • If you need to bake textures, check the bNeedsBakedTexturesForSkinnedMeshes parameter
    • Most usecases will not need this, saving just the paint strokes will be sufficient. This also has the advantage of being “non-destructive”.
    • Skeletal meshes with multiple animation poses per paint stroke (and requiring fully accurate reproduction) may want to use this option.
    • Baking textures requires far more disk space than the saving just the paint strokes so only use if required.
    • For more information check out the documentation for this parameter which is provided as part of the Blueprint / C++ API

(This article is a stub, for a live example of Save/Load please check out the sample project (download links on the marketplace page))