Venugopalan Sreedharan

Drunk On Nectar releasing on Steam Q4 – 2016

Drunk On Nectar was Greenlit on Steam last month and with this huge milestone realized, release plans are now in full swing!

After careful consideration I’ve decided to postpone release to Q4 – 2016. This provides sufficient room for polishing the current product to meet the expectations of DoN’s enthusiastic supporters on Steam, while also providing the opportunity to add new content to the game. It will be an Early Access release, the enormous scope that a full-fledged nature game represents necessitates that.

Finally, this IndieDB article I’ve written goes into much greater detail about all of this (along with a ton of new pics!) so be sure to check that out while you’re here!

Jumping Spider on a carpet of moss

Drunk On Nectar is on Steam Greenlight!

At long last, DoN is on Steam Greenlight! I’m really excited about what this means for the game and the opportunity to present it in front of so many Steam users and to obtain their valuable feedback.
Please visit the link below and vote “Yes” for Drunk On Nectar 🙂


My heartfelt thanks to everyone for your support so far. I hope the game does well in the days to come!

– Venugopalan Sreedharan


PS: Here are three new gameplay videos made for Drunk On Nectar’s Greenlight campaign and a new 2016 trailer!






DoN – Your ultimate Nature Sandbox is almost there!

Beauty Dragonfly Slider

It’s been a while since I last posted but rest assured, the only reason for that is how deeply entrenched I’ve been in taking DoN along towards completion.

And on that front, I have great news to share! DoN’s first playable build is almost ready for gamers to dive into and with that, Steam Greenlight submission is now imminent.

I’ve gone into more detail on all of this in this new article I wrote on IndieDB so be sure to check that out, there’s a bunch of new screenshots I’ve posted in there as well.

That’s it for now, I hope to see you play the game on Steam some day soon 🙂


Spider AI hunting and new gameplay mode!

Finally, Spider AI for DoN is ready! This proved particularly challenging because I had to write a custom pathfinding system again (this time for land based creatures). I was hoping to use Unreal’s native navigation for this but understandably it’s geared more towards humanoids (so it doesn’t work beyond 90 degree slopes and slender foliage like plant stalks are not covered even with maximum cell precision settings).

In another important development, DoN has a new game mode!

Combat Survival is a game mode where players can quickly jump into short timed matches with simple objectives (eg: survival for prey, a successful hunt for predators). In the short-term, this game mode will be the primary focus of the game until I’ve built enough momentum to carry the core nature simulation work forward again.

I’ve written a detailed article about this change in direction on DoN’s IndieDb page, so be sure to check that out as well. (I didn’t want to rehash the entire content here a second time :P)

My current focus is to complete work on DoN’s Menus, HUD, SFX and BGM. The aim is to take all the content available in the game now and package it neatly into a playable build.

For now though, enjoy this video of DoN’s agile Jumping spiders absolutely trouncing prey in style!