Monthly Archives: January 2016

Species Gameplay Preview – Jumping Spider “Phidippus Regius”!

It’s been a while since our little friend the Jumping Spider “Phidippus Regius” was introduced to the game so I thought this was a good time to gather some of the videos I’ve posted elsewhere on the web and write a short post on it.

The Jumping Spider is considered to be the wild cat of the spider world; it has excellent vision, the physical gifts of a gymnast and some serious stalking skills considered unusual for a creature with such a tiny brain. In other words – a perfect new entrant to DoN the Nature game! The species I’ve selected (Phidippus Regius) is a “regal” Jumping Spider that is amongst the largest Jumping Spiders and is a beautiful creature on all counts!

I’d love to do a deep dive video on this species and talk about some of the wonderful gameplay opportunities and prey/predator “setpieces” that come with this, but considering all my time is dedicated to DoN’s demo preparations (Yes! DoN’s free alpha/demo is coming soon!), I’ll leave that video for another day!

Meet DoN’s Developer

So far I’ve taken an impersonal approach for most videos of DoN, but for 2016 I’m going to try changing the format a bit. In coming videos I’m going to personally walk you through the game’s progress, features that I haven’t shown yet and topics that may be of interest to other game developers too. Before all of that, I want to introduce myself with this video and set the tone for all things to come! I hope 2016 is a new Dawn for DoN!